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Write an Abstract for ASHG Annual Meeting
Jingjing Yang
American Society of Human Genetics
ASHG Annual Meeting
The largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition in the world.
Provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics.
Highlights include invited symposia; abstract-driven plenary, platform, and poster sessions; education/trainee workshops; and career opportunities and networking events.
Attendance of Previous Meetings
ASHG 2022, Los Angeles, CA
7,002 registrants including 1,407 exhibitors stemming from 84 countries and 49 states + Washington DC and Puerto Rico
47 invited session speakers
17 Plenary Talks and 333 Platform Talks (Abstract-driven)
2543 Poster presentations (Poster Talks and Reviewers Choice Posters)
ASHG 2023, Washington DC
November 1-5 (Wed-Sun)
ASHG Abstract Review Process
Each abstract will be blindly reviewed by 4 reviewers.
Scored as "Plenary", "Platform", "Possible Platform or Poster", "Poster", "Reject"
Top-scoring ~1% abstracts (~20) will be included in Plenary Sessions (20min talk)
Next top-scoring ~10% abstracts (~300) will be selected for Platform Sessions (15min talk)
ASHG Abstract Review Process
Remain abstracts will be accepted for Poster presentations.
Top ~15% will be selected as Reviewers' Choice posters.
A subset of the Reviewers' choice is highlighted during the Poster Talks (90sec talk).
ASHG trainee members can opt for
Charles J. Epstein Trainee Awards for Excellence in Human Genetics Research
Post-doctoral and Pre-doctoral groups
60 semi-finalists (top-scoring ~2%); 18 finalists; 6 winners
How to write ASHG conference abstract
Conference Abstract = Topic + Title + Background + Problem Statement + Method + Results + Conclusions
A short version of your paper.
<2,300 characters, ~350-400 words.
General Structure
Attractive title
(12 words or less)
Start with background description and motivation of the problem.
Briefly but clearly describe your method and analysis approach.
Clearly describe data (sample size, sample ancestry, types of data, etc.) and results (emphasize novel and interesting findings).
End with a Conclusion paragraph talking about the significance of your results and work to the general research field.
Attract Reviewer's Attention
describe motivation and your approach for scientist who might not work in your field. Be clear about the knowledge gap.
novel and interesting findings
. Be
with numbers and percentages (xx% more/less) to describe your data and results. Avoid "many", "some", etc.
by discussing the
of your work to the general research field.
, or
, or
texts to highlight your key points.
Example Format and Abstract
Use multiple paragraphs or structured sections
Paragraph 1: Background and motivation
Paragraph 2: Method, approach, data
Paragraph 3: Results
Paragraph 4: Discussion and conclusion