by typing the following command in respective terminal
ssh <your_Emory_NetID>@clogin01.sph.emory.edu
to local mount directory /Users/jyang51/RHPC/
sshfs jyang@clogin01.sph.emory.edu:/home/jyang51/ /Users/jyang51/RHPC/ -o auto_cache -ovolname=RHPC -o follow_symlinks
Command rsync
is recommended
rsync [options] [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]
General command by using scp
as follows:
scp <path_to_file> <username>@<remote_system_name>:<destination_path>
man [command]
would give help page for the following commands, e.g., man rsync
. Type q
to exit from the help page.rsync
is recommended for copying data on clustercp
also copys data within clusterrm
ls -l -h
or nano
to edit text files on the clusterless
, cat
zcat [file_name.gz] | less -S
to see user manual/instructions of Linux tools, e.g., man ls
to take output from the command before |
as the input for the command after |
is highlly recomended for handling large text files.tmux
. See tmux cheat sheet.which [software_name]
module spider
to list all installed software modulesmodule spider [software_name]
to find detailed information about the softwaresrun -p yanglab --pty bash
.module load [software_name]
to load the software.R
to start using R after loading R by module load R/4.2.2
. You may copy and paste your R commands from a text script to the session window on RHPC.ggsave("temp.pdf")
in the session to start a python session./projects/YangLabData/bin/plink -h
to see plink user mannual.which
can also be used to check if a software is available under the ${PATH}
directory in current session module unload [software_name]
module purge
pip install --user [package]
. Or search "install without root access", "install with specificed installation directory". The installation directory should be those you have writting access to. /projects/YangLabData/bin
by the following commandscd /projects/YangLabData/bin/
ln -s [tool directory]
into the PATH
environment variable by including the following command line in your ~/.bashrc
fileexport PATH=/projects/YangLabData/bin:$PATH
file under your home directory to save tying of commands.
to submit jobs (like qsub
in Grid Engine)
in a wrapper shell (job submission) script, for example, you may use sbatch normal.sh
with the following normal.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=normal.R
#SBATCH —partition=yanglab
## This puts all output files in a separate directory.
#SBATCH --output=Out/normal.%A_%a.out
#SBATCH —error=Err/normal.%A_%a.err
## Submitting 100 instances of srun commands listed below
#SBATCH —array=0-100
## For notification purposes. Use your Emory email address only!
#SBATCH —mail-user=<your_email_address>@emory.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
module purge
module load R
srun /home/<user>/normal.R
to display information about the run queuescancel [jobid]
used to cancel or kill a jobscontrol
used to show information about running or pending jobs
scontrol show job [jobid]
to show system details of a submitted jobscontrol show partition day-long-cpu
to show partition configurationsrun
used to run an interactive instance: srun --pty bash
srun -p interactive-cpu --pty bash
module load R
used to report the state of the cluster partition and nodes
where user home direcotry is located
. If a user accidentally deletes a file, one of two possible copies of the file can be restored from the snapshot directory/scratch
where user may load data for immediate computation
where groups may store project data and run computations. Requestable in increments of 1TB, $75 per year
large text data files./apps
and /projects/YangLabData/bin
where all softwares can be foundpan_quota