Introduction to RSPH HPC Cluster

Cluster Structure


Mount Remote Directory to Local Computer

Copying Data to/from the Cluster

  1. Command rsync is recommended

  2. General command by using scp as follows:

Handle Data Files on Cluster

Command man [command] would give help page for the following commands, e.g., man rsync. Type q to exit from the help page.

  1. Command rsync is recommended for copying data on cluster
  2. Command cp also copys data within cluster
  3. Delete data or directory by rm
  4. Make directories by mkdir
  5. Move a directory by mv
  6. List all files under a directory by ls
  7. List all files with their sizes by ls -l -h
  8. Use vi or nano to edit text files on the cluster
  9. Read text file by less, cat
  10. Consider gzip your text file to save space by gzip
  11. Open gzipped text file by zcat [file_name.gz] | less -S
  12. Command man to see user manual/instructions of Linux tools, e.g., man ls
  13. Use pipe | to take output from the command before | as the input for the command after |
  14. Command awk is highlly recomended for handling large text files.
  15. Split your screen by tmux. See tmux cheat sheet.

Using a Software

Check if a software is available on the cluster

Using a software installed on the cluster

Please never run a software directly on gateway node. First login to a compute node using command srun -p yanglab --pty bash.

Install a software without root access

Share installed software with the lab

cd /projects/YangLabData/bin/
ln -s [tool directory]
export PATH=/projects/YangLabData/bin:$PATH

Setup one's .bashrc file

Submit Jobs by SLURM

Basic SLURM commands

#SBATCH --job-name=normal.R
#SBATCH —partition=yanglab
## This puts all output files in a separate directory.
#SBATCH --output=Out/normal.%A_%a.out
#SBATCH —error=Err/normal.%A_%a.err
## Submitting 100 instances of srun commands listed below
#SBATCH —array=0-100
## For notification purposes. Use your Emory email address only!
#SBATCH —mail-user=<your_email_address>
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
module purge
module load R
srun /home/<user>/normal.R

Storage on the Cluster

Sub volumns all mounted across the cluster

Monitoring storage usage

All files are not backed up on the cluster

Additional Resources