; 1 Data Transfer Node (DTN)
: User work directories.
are not accessible and not coped into this new system.shared/**
: Shared data directories and software directory shared/Software/
for the lab.projects/
: Project directories shared by the lab.public/
: Files to be shared with other groups. Public to be viewed by all users on the cluster.Login to Emory VPN .
Login using ssh
by typing the following command in the terminal with your Emory Net ID and Emory password:
ssh <Emory_Net_ID>@hgcc.emory.edu
SSH login without typing password : repeat this setup for each of your local computer.
First, generate a pair of authentication key under the home directory on your local computer: ssh-keygen -t rsa
. Second, run the following command under the home directory on your local computer to create a directory ~/.ssh
under your home directory on the HGCC cluster and append your local authentication key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
on HGCC:
ssh-copy-id <Emory_Net_ID>@hgcc.emory.edu
to local directory ~/HGCC/
. Replace <jyang51>
by your EmoryNetID.
sshfs <jyang51>@hgcc.emory.edu:/home/<jyang51>/ ~/HGCC/ -o auto_cache -ovolname=HGCC -o follow_symlinks
Command rsync
is recommended
rsync [options] [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]
Command scp
can also do the job
scp <path_to_local_file> <Emory_Net_ID>@hgcc.emory.edu:<destination_remote_path_on_hgcc>
is recommended for moving data files within the cluster, between local and cluster, between clusters.cp
also copys data.rm
.ls -l -h
or nano
to edit text files on the cluster. Recomend edit text files through local mounted directory.less
, cat
. less -S
is recommended for viewing large text files on cluster.gzip
.gunzip [file_name.gz]
for zipping and unzipping directories.man
to see user manual/instructions of Linux tools, e.g., man ls
to take output from the command before |
as the input for the command after |
. For example, cat xx_file.txt | head
will print the top 10 rows of the xx_file.txt
file on the bash window.alias
to set up your own shortcup of commands in the ~/.bashrc
file. See Examples. Example alias commands such as alias c='clear'
, can be seen through /home/jyang51/.bashrc
. This would set up c
as an alias/short-cut for the command clear
.Command man [command]
would give help page for Linux commands, e.g., man rsync
. Type q
to exit from the help page.
srun -N 1 -n 1 --pty bash
is the number of nodes, -n
is number of tasks, --pty
gives you a pseudo terminal that runs bash. sbatch
under headnode.
to avoid extensive I/O between compute node memory and storage disks.
mkdir -p /scratch/tmp_jyang51/
, with a unique directory name tmp_jyang51
. rsync [path_to_data_file]/[data_file_name] /scratch/tmp_jyang51/
. /scratch/tmp_jyang51/
. rsync /scratch/tmp_jyang51/ [path_to_output_files]/
.rm -rf /scratch/tmp_jyang51
file for each data directory.spack find -x
to list all installed software modules on HGCC.spack find --loaded
to list all loaded software modules.${PATH}
by which [software_name]
to avoid typing full directory of the executible file. export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" # add local directory to PATH. add this to ~/.bashrc file to avoid running this for each session.
echo $PATH; # show current PATH directories
cd ~/.local/bin; #
ln -s [directory_to_executible_file]; # create symbolic link to the software
spack load [software_name]
spack load plink2@2.00a4.3
to load plink.plink2 --help
to see plink user mannual after loading plink.spack unload plink2@2.00a4.3
in the current session to start an R session after loading R by spack load r@4.4.0
in the session to start a python session after loading Anaconda3 by spack load anaconda3@2023.09-0
. Include ~/.local/bin/
in the $PATH
environment variable. Create a symbolic link to software executible file under ~/.local/bin/
to install python libraries under your virtual python environment. /nfs/yangfss2/data/shared/bin
by the following commands:export PATH="/nfs/yangfss2/data/shared/bin:$PATH"; # include this line of command in your `~/.bashrc` file to automatically run this for each session.
cd /nfs/yangfss2/data/shared/bin
ln -s [tool_directory]
file under your home directory to automaticlly run commands for each session.
to submit jobs. Set arguments to sbatch
in a wrapper shell (job submission) script, for example, you may use command sbatch norm_sim.sh
to submit an array job to run 10 times of simulations, with norm_sim.sh
given as follows: #!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=normal_sim ## specify job name
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## request 1 node
#SBATCH --mem=8G ## request 8G memory
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 ## request 4 cpus/cores per job
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00 ## specify job running time for 24 hrs
#SBATCH --output=./SLURM_OUT/%x_%A_%a.out ## specify slurm output file directory
#SBATCH --error=./SLURM_OUT/%x_%A_%a.err ## specify slurm error file directory
#SBATCH --array=0-10 ## Submitting 10 instances of commands listed below
## The following commands will be run for 10 times by 10 jobs under the specified array. Each with their unique task ID given by $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID, in {1..10}.
## Change working directory
cd /home/jyang51/yangfss2/public/ExampleData
## Create SLURM_OUT/ under the current working directory to save slurm output and error files
mkdir -p ./SLURM_OUT/
## Print SLURM array task ID $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID (1..10)
## Load R software
spack load r@4.4.0
## Using the Rscript to simulate a vector x from standard normal distribution and write x to a text data file under /home/jyang51/yangfss2/public/ExampleData/
## Use the SLURM array task ID to save unique output data files, or configue the job.
Rscript /home/jyang51/yangfss2/public/ExampleScripts/norm_sim.R /home/jyang51/yangfss2/public/ExampleData/ $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
script given as follows:#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
Sys.setlocale('LC_ALL', 'C')
if(length(args)==0) {
stop("Error: No arguments supplied!")
} else {
out_prefix = args[[1]]
n_sim = args[[2]]
x = rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
print(paste("mean of simulated data =", mean(x)))
print(paste("standard deviation of simulated data =", sd(x)))
print("Write simulated data to a text file:")
write.table(data.frame(x = x), file = paste0(out_prefix, "sim_", n_sim, ".txt"), quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
to display current slurm job queue.scancel [jobid]
used to cancel/kill a job.scontrol
used to show information about running or pending jobs.
scontrol show job [jobid]
to show system details of a submitted job.Use command srun
to run an interactive instance: srun --pty bash
srun -N 1 -n 1 --pty bash
spack load r@4.4.0
.Use command sinfo
to report the state of the cluster partition and nodes.
df -h
du -h -d1