Introduction to Emory AWS

Login to Emory AWS

AWS Service and Help

Identity Access Management (IAM)

Configure role for access between AWS resources, e.g., allowing EC2 instance to access S3 bucket (EC2toS3Full).

Create IAM

Attach IAM roles

EC2 Instance

Lauch EC2 Instance

  1. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Select Amazon Linux 2 AMI (Free tier eligible) if you do not have one of your own AMI to choose
  2. Choose an Instance Type according to your need of the number of CPU cores and memory
  3. Configure Instance Details
  4. Add Storage. Storage can also be added after your instance is created but can not be reduced. Start with what you need.
  5. Add Tags (optional)
  6. Configure Security Group
  7. Private Key pair (*.pem) is needed to login to the EC2 instance.

    cd ~/Downloads
    chmod 400 *.pem

  8. Launch Instance

  9. Review Instance Launch

Login to EC2 Instance

  1. Go to view your instance
  2. Click Actions/Connect
  3. Use the ssh command to connect
  4. Need to have *.pem under the current directory

Change Instance Type to Add Memory/Storage

  1. First STOP you current instance
  2. Take a Snapshot of your current EBS (Elastic Block Store) or create an image
  3. Change Instance Type by clicking Actions/Instance Settings/Change Instance Type

Create Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for Your Current Instance

  1. Stop your instance
  2. Select Instance/Actions/Image/Create Image

AMI vs. Snapshot

  1. A Snapshot is a backup copy of any EBS volume, and is saved in S3 storage.
  2. An AMI is a snapshot of an EBS volume with an Operating System on it. It is, technically, the same kind of snapshot as above, but it has also been registered with the EC2 service as an AMI, usable to launch new EC2 instances.

S3 Storage

S3 Storage is a preferred place to store frequently used data.

Install Software



Login through browser to use R/RStudio

After Finish Your Work

  1. Copy your Outputs/Results from EC2 instance to S3 storage or your local computer or HGCC. aws s3 cp [directory/file] s3://yanglab-at-emoryhg/
  2. Create an Image to save your working environment. Or create a Snapshot to save your current hard disk.
  3. Terminate EC2 Instance. Please terminate all instances to avoid beeing charged in the background.

AWS Best Practices


Additional Resources

AWS Lambda